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            ABIFA realiza o 9  BRICS International Foundry Forum

               ABIFA holds the 9  BRICS International Foundry Forum

                   BRIC Foundry  Forum  foi idealizado pela            he BRIC Foundry Forum was initiated by China
                   CFA – China Foundry Association, durante            Foundry  Association  during  the  International
         O o International Foundry Forum (IFF), reali-T   Foundry Forum (IFF) held in September 2010, in
          zado em setembro de 2010, em Barcelona (Espanha).   the city of  Barcelona (Spain).

          Imediatamente a proposta foi acordada pelos líderes   The proposal was agreed by foundry association leaders from
          das Associações de fundição do Brasil, Rússia e Índia.   Brazil,  Russia  and  India.  The  South  African  Institute  of
          O The South African Institute of Foundrymen aderiu   Foundrymen joined in the BRIC Foundry Forum during GIFA
          ao evento em 2011, quando adotou-se a nomenclatura   2011.  For  this  reason,  the  event  was  upgraded  to  BRICS
          BRICS International Foundry Forum.                  International Foundry Forum.
          No evento, a situação e as tendências da indústria de   The foundry industry’s situation and trends can be shared among
          fundição podem ser compartilhadas entre os cinco paí-  the  five  BRICS  nations  through  the  Forum,  whose  purpose
          ses integrantes do bloco BRICS. O objetivo do Forum
          é promover a troca de informações e tecnologias, me-  is  to  promote  the  exchanges  on  technology  and  information,
          lhorar a formação técnica e gerencial dos fundidores,   increase foundrymen’s technical and management training, boost
          impulsionar a qualidade ocupacional do setor e aumen-  foundrymen’s occupational quality and improve the influence of
          tar a influência dos países do bloco BRICS no mundo.  BRICS countries in the world.

          As oito edições anteriores do  BRICS International   The BRICS International Foundry Forum has already been
          Foundry Forum foram realizadas em:                  held in:

          ■ São Paulo, Brasil (2011)                          ■ São Paulo, Brazil (2011)

          ■ Pequim, China (2012)                              ■ Beijing, China (2012)
          ■ Joanesburgo, África do Sul (2013)                 ■ Johannesburg, South Africa (2013)

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