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■ Ahmedabad, Índia (2014) ■ Ahmedabad, India (2014)
■ Nizhny Novgorod, Rússia (2015) ■ Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (2015)
■ Pequim, China (2016) ■ Beijing, China (2016)
■ Joanesburgo, África do Sul (2017) ■ Johannesburg, South Africa (2017)
■ Ahmedabad, Índia (2018) ■ Ahmedabad, India (2018)
O 9 BRICS International Foundry Forum será The 9 BRICS International Foundry Forum will be
realizado novamente em São Paulo, Brasil, no dia 18 held again in São Paulo, Brazil, on September 18 , in
de setembro, paralelamente ao CONAF/FENAF –
Congresso e Feira Latino-Americana de Fundição, parallel with CONAF/FENAF – Congress and Latin
em homenagem aos 50 anos da ABIFA – Associação American Foundry Exhibition, in honor of ABIFA’s 50
Brasileira de Fundição. anniversary.
Até o encerramento desta edição da Revista Fundição Until the end of this issue of Fundição & Matérias-Primas
& Matérias-Primas, os trabalhos confirmados no 9 Magazine, the papers confirmed at the 9 BRICS International
BRICS International Foundry Forum eram: Foundry Forum were:
■ Residual stresses caused by heat treatments of steel ■ Residual stresses caused by heat treatments of steel and
and aluminum alloy castings (Brazil) aluminum alloy castings (Brazil)
■ Turbocharger housings of SiMo CGI – Effect of ■ Turbocharger housings of SiMo CGI –Effect of section
section thickness on microstructure and mechanical thickness on microstructure and mechanical properties (Brazil)
properties (Brazil)
■ The Brazilian foundry industry (Brazil) ■ The Brazilian foundry industry (Brazil)
■ How die casting equipment assist factories to ■ How die casting equipment assist factories to establish their
establish their Industry 4.0 development (China) Industry 4.0 development (China)
■ China foundry is struggling ahead (China) ■ China foundry is struggling ahead (China)
■ Energy generating metallurgical production of ■ Energy generating metallurgical production of high-quality
high-quality steel charging materials based on smelting steel charging materials based on smelting reduction technologies
reduction technologies (Russia) (Russia)
■ Digital technologies in the foundry industry of ■ Digital technologies in the foundry industry of Russia (Russia)
Russia (Russia)
■ The Russian Foundry Industry (Russia)
■ The Russian Foundry Industry (Russia)
As apresentações serão ministradas em inglês, com Presentations will be held in English, with simultaneous
tradução simultânea para o português. translation into Portuguese.
A programação completa do 9 BRICS International The full schedule of the 9 BRICS International Foundy Forum
Foundry Forum estará disponível na entrada do Forum. will be available at the Forum entrance. g
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